RX-J測量軟件介紹: RX-J Measuring Software Introductions
1、Auto-Measurement Function: it can automatically find out by mouse straight line, create circle by points, create circle by point-select, auto-circle in multi-zones, auto-arc.
2、手動CNC:在有夾具的情況下面可以進行半自動測量 (測量效率遠*)
2、Manual CNC function: if there is clamps, it can make semi-auto measurement. ( measuring effective is far higher than competitor)
3、輔助對焦:幫助找到zui清晰時候的Z位置 (輔助調焦提高測量精度)
3、Auxiliary Focusing: it can help to find out the clearest Z axis position. (Auxiliary focusing function improves measuring accuracy.
4、圖片輸出:測量結果可以圖片的格式輸出 (相當于數碼相機功能)
4、Image Putout: measuring results can be put out in image format. (it just likes a digital camera’s function)
5、Geometric tolerance: roundness, linearity, parallelism, verticality, concentricity.
6、Set up tolerance:it can set up part’s actual size exceeding range, if any exceeding, it will warn with red background
7、CCD Correction: correct CCD image distortion
8、輪廓跟蹤:通過軟件自動計算出工件的輪廓并顯示出來 (清晰顯示測量位置)
8、Profile Track: software can automatically calculate and display the profile of the work-piece. ( clearly displays the measuring position).
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